Awesome Vue.js

Posted Jul 25, 2020 (updated Oct 16, 2021)

Awesome Vue.js

Awesome Vue.js is a collection of links to interesting projects or libraries realated to a particular topic. The topic, in this case, is Vue.js which is a JavaScript framework for building web sites and web applications.

These “awesome” lists are typically coded into a single text file and are available to everybody through a public domain license or something similar.

Vue.js is very popular to software developers so it’s not surprising that people use it on a lot of web applications and libraries. To keep track of these projects, the Vue.js team have their own awesome list repository.

This project is a fork of the official Vue.js awesome list which I maintain by pulling changes from upstream repository and make some tiny fixes, to make it consistent with other entries.

The fork also has a web site which provides a nicer experience when scanning the list. So, if you haven’t already, please check out the website.

You can also view the source on GitHub.